Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013

1. Where did you begin 2013? With friends and our children. Toasting the New Year with Champagne and Sparkling Grape Juice {for the kids}.

2. What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before? We went on our first family vacation!!!

3. What was your status by Valentine’s Day? Married.

4. Were you in school (anytime this year)? Nope.  But Marcus & Maddox started Kindergarten!

5. How did you earn your money? Court Clerk and Independent Super Star Consultant with Scentsy.

6. Did you have to go to the hospital? No.  But my daddy did. A lot. He was diagnosed with throat cancer this year. He is slowly recovering and officially my hero.
Dad Graduating from Radiation
7. Did you have any encounters with the police? Yes. Every day.  I work for a court!

8. Where did you go on holidays? To Manchester Manor {my sister's} for Thanksgiving, to my in-laws for Christmas Eve and our home for Christmas.

9. What did you purchase that was over $1000? A brand spankin' new camper!!

10. Did you know anybody who got married? Nope...a sign I am getting old.

11. Did you know anyone that passed away? Yes. Steve's grandfather.

12. Did you know anyone who had a baby? No...yet another sign I am getting old.

13. Did you move? Yes...for the summer!  To camp!

14. What concerts/shows did you go to? Didn't go to any this summer but we had a fabulous 80's style 40th birthday party for Steve that was quite a show!

15. Are you registered to vote? Yes!

16. Who did you want to win Big Brother? Don't watch it.

17. Where do you live now? Same place...with my fabulous family.

18. Describe your birthday. Disappointing.

19. What’s one thing you thought you’d never do, but did in 2013? Earned TWO FREE trips from Scentsy.
20. What has been your favorite moment? Too many to pick just one! Here are a few.
Bounce Housin'
Visiting Friends
Carnival with my favorite little people!

Ocean Isle Beach

Annual Ice Cream Photo @ Mima & Bipa's
Halloween @ Camp!
Halloween Party
Spiderman ~ Bean ~ Ninja
Sock Hop @ Camp
21. What’s something you learned about yourself? I'm much stronger than I thought or pretended I was.

22. Any new additions to your family? Two Hermit Crabs.

23. What was your best month? August.

24.What was your worst month? January.

25.What music will you remember 2013 by? Roar by Katy Perry...my kids love to sing this song.  And also What Does the Fox Say...such a silly yet catchy song.

26. Who has been your best drinking buddy? Oh lord..there are quite a few.  My camping peeps and their spouses.  My hubs, Brianne, Lynnie, Karen, Debbie, Shauna, Taylor, Reptar........

27. Made new friends? Oh yeah....but I now call them family.

28. Lost friends? I wouldn't say lost...but certainly grew apart from a few.

29. Favorite night out? Every single Friday & Saturday spent at Red Rock Ponds RV Resort!!!

30. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier
ii. thinner or fatter? FATTER
iii. richer or poorer? Richer in life!

31. What date from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? August 17....the look in my children's eyes the first time they saw the ocean. Priceless.

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